Polymer là gì? Cấu tạo, tính chất và ứng dụng của Polymer?

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What are polymers? Structure, properties and applications of Polymer?

1. What is polymer?

Polymer is a familiar concept, referring to compounds with large molecular weights and in their structure, basic links are repeated many times.

The characteristic of these links is that they are connected to each other through covalent bonds, that is, two or more molecules will be connected to each other and share a pair of electrons.

Polymer là gì

2. Physical and chemical properties of polymers

What physical and chemical properties does polymer have? Let's find out more details through the information below:

2.1 Physical properties of polymers

- Polymers exist in the form of solids, are non-volatile, and do not have a defined melting temperature, but they melt at a fairly wide temperature range.
- When melted, most polymers give a viscous liquid, and when cooled, they solidify and are called thermoplastics. Others do not melt when heated but decompose, called thermosets.
- Most polymers are insoluble in water or common solvents


Những tính chất vật lý của polymer

Physical properties of polymers

2.2 What chemical properties does polymer have?

Polymers can participate in three reactions including: chain cleavage, chain retention and carbon chain increase.

* Polymer chain cleavage reaction

Polymer polymers are pyrolyzed at appropriate temperatures to form short segments, finally into the original monomer. This reaction occurs because the polymer has functional groups in the chain that are easily hydrolyzed or some other polymers are oxidized and cut the chain.

* The reaction keeps the polymer chain intact

Polymers with intra-chain double bonds or extracyclic functional groups can participate in reactions characteristic of the double bond and that functional group.

* Polymer chain reaction

When the right conditions exist, polymer chains can join together to form longer chains or networks.


Polime có những tính chất hóa học nào

What chemical properties does polymer have?

3. Origin of polymer
Polymers are abundant in nature, typical examples we can encounter are basic chemicals such as DNA and RNA. Or other natural polymers familiar in life such as silk, hair, fingernails, toenails, cellulose, and protein...

They are also derived from natural gas or coal or crude oil.

4. How to prepare polymer?
We can prepare polymers through the following reactions:

4.1 Polymerization reaction

A reaction that combines multiple monomers of the same substance to form a polymer. With the following reaction equation:

nCH2=CH-CH=CH2 → (-CH2-CH=CH-CH2-)n

4.2 Condensation reaction

This is a reaction that combines many monomers to form a polymer and a byproduct (mainly water), with the condition that the monomers must have two functional groups capable of separating water.

Reaction equation:

n H-NH-(CH2)5-CO-OH → (-NH-(CH2)5-CO-)n + nH2O

n p-HO-CO-C6H4-CO-OH + n H-OCH2-CH2O-H → (-CO-C6H4-CO-OCH2-CH2O-)n + 2nH2O

4.3 Polymerization-conjugation reaction

This is the process in which monomers combine to form a main monomer through an addition reaction, with the condition that at least one of the two substances must have a double bond. The newly created monomers will then combine to form a complete polymer.

5. Outstanding characteristics of polymers
Polymers are flexible plastic materials. Although each polymer will have unique properties, in general they still have the following common characteristics:

5.1 They are highly recyclable
Polymers are usually flexible plastics that when heated at high temperatures will melt into plastic and from there we can highly recycle them.

5.2 Absolutely safe with chemicals
Most chemical liquids such as detergents, cleaning solutions... are contained in polymer plastic materials and do not cause any side effects.

5.3 Does not conduct electricity or heat
Polymers have non-electrical and thermal conductivity properties. Because, in fact, when considering all devices, electrical wires, electrical sockets and electrical wiring systems made or coated with polymer materials are not conductive.

Besides, we can also see heat resistance in the kitchen with pots and pans made of polymers, foam cores of refrigerators and freezers, and insulated cups.

5.4 Most polymers come in a variety of colors
Polymers are also used to replace cotton, silk and wool, porcelain and marble as well as aluminum and zinc. Polymers can be recreated many times with different colors, not fixed.


Most polymers come in a variety of colors

6. What are the types of polymers?
Currently, polymers are divided into common types as follows:

6.1 Natural polymers
Includes the following: Starch, protein, DNA, RNA, petroleum, natural gas...

6.2 Artificial polymers
Including polyethylene, buna rubber, nylon silk,...

6.3 Other Polymers
In addition, polymers are also divided into polymerization and condensation polymers, branched chain polymers, unbranched chains and space chains...

Phân loại polyme gồm những loại nào

What are the types of polymers?

7. Important applications of polymers in life

Polymers are applied in many fields and industries of life, such as:

- Used in the production of items for daily life such as: electrical pipes, raincoats, industrial products.
- They are also widely used to replace products made of wood, fabric, leather, glass, and metal because this plastic is light, durable, unbreakable, and has a variety of colors.



8. How do polymers impact the environment and humans?

Although they have important applications and roles, they also leave many negative impacts on the environment and humans as follows:

- The process of producing Polymer will create CO2 gas, increasing the greenhouse effect, increasing climate change and bringing with it consequences for the living environment such as: rising sea levels, droughts, floods...
- Adverse effects on human health: Because additives are added to the product to create artificial polymers that can cause damage and degeneration of peripheral nerves, and damage the genital organs. male...
- The existence of Polymers in soil and water will prevent oxygen exchange, causing erosion, causing landslides, not retaining nutrients, causing plants to not grow well, and marine life may die due to ingestion. waste,…
- Polymers in the form of plastic packaging will clog drains, canals and ponds, causing water stagnation and environmental pollution.
- If you burn polymer products, it will be toxic to your health and cause serious environmental pollution.

Polymer tác động đến môi trường, con người như thế nào

How do polymers impact the environment and people?

Source: Collector

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